Friday, April 13, 2012

A 'New' Kitchen!

Finally, Done! The 1 and only project this winter (for the house) is complete. Minus curtains but that's another day. My aunt N helped me pick out colors from a rug I had bought, my cousins L and L helped me tear down wall paper and prime, my aunt P helped me with the idea of horizontal stripes (time consuming but worth it in the end), and even D and my mom helped me tape off the sections and paint a little. Could NOT have done this alone!

This is the view coming from the hallway (from the bedrooms).

This view is from the kitchen, looking towards the hallway (on right).

We ended the day with celebratory drinks. Or at least 1 of us did.

Project Wall-puke-Paper Takedown

Just realized I never posted this.  This is a view of the HORRID mess our kitchen was during the project