Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Letter "W"

This last week I picked up extra shifts at work; nights. SO, naturally, I did not sleep past 2 pm. I got sick of laying in bed, so I turned on HBO's 'Deadwood' and whipped out an easy DIY project; thanks pintrest!

Supplies: Wooden letter from Hobby Lobby, ball of yarn, scissors, hot glue gun, glue sticks, ribbon
Time: 1.5 hours (clearly no distraction :)) 

As I wrapped the angles of the "W", I occasionally had to glue areas (front and back) to hold the yarn in place. Otherwise it was very easy.

I used ribbon to hold it to our storm door. I didn't have a staple gun so I nailed the ribbon to the letter (I'm testing how it will hold with the door being opened and closed. So far so good but I think the staples would be the best option). 

It was sunny outside which created a glare with a straight-on shot so this isn't a great picture but it gives the general idea. Our house is gray so I went with a yellow (morning glory)....yellow/gold is NOT my favorite color but I do love the color combo